Specialists in treating Anxiety Disorders

Specialists in treating Anxiety Disorders

  1. Specialists in treating Anxiety Disorders
  2. Specialists in treating Childhood Issues
  3. Specialists in Relationship Therapy
  4. Therapy for issues that are holding you back
  5. Effective strategies for coping with life
  6. Effective Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia

What we do: hypnotherapy in Dronfield with LifeSolutions


Carole Wan started Life Solutions after qualifying in Hypnosis and Stress Management in 1992. I have offered talking therapies in Derbyshire since then. My qualifications include Medical and Clinical Hypnosis, coaching, counselling and a range of psychological therapies including EMDR, CBT and Solution Focused Therapy.

Along with my partner, Alan Cooper, we run validated training in hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. You can find out more about our training HERE. We also work together for partners seeking relationship counselling.

Although I work with a wide variety of problems, I have a particular interest in anxiety and lack of confidence in people of all ages. Many of my clients are children and teens. You can read about some of the issues I treat HERE.

Our therapy is recognised by Westfield Health and Health Shield (please check your employers plan).

Find out more about Life Solutions


What To Do Now?

Please contact us to discuss your requirements without obligation and in the strictest of confidence: contact us 

To find out more about our therapy and how we can help you please download our brochure by clicking here

To read about security of your personal data please click here: gdpr.php 

Help with depression during these difficult times - please click here for download

For information on Trauma, EMDR and post-covid illness please click here




The Legacy of Pandemic Anxiety


Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorder in the world today. In 2020, almost 300 million people were diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Any major upheaval can cause a rise in anxiety and depression (which are often co-morbid). We have seen this in individual countries, such as the financial crisis that severely impacted Greece. Now we can study the worldwide effect of a global disruption. The impact has particularly affected younger people.

As we gradually revert to ‘normal’ and re-engage in social interaction, it is possible that younger people will feel an increase in anxiety. People in general are feeling exhausted, burned out and mentally unstable. Social anxiety – already a common illness of the young – is on the increase.

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Why We Need to Manage Stress


“Stressed nation: 74% of UK 'overwhelmed or unable to cope' at some point in the past year.”

This was the headline of a following a UK-wide survey commissioned and published by mentalhealth.org.uk in 2022.

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 emdr institute  

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